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2021 - Virtual Meeting

March 18-19, 2021

John L. Glascock is the Director of the UCONN Center for Real Estate and Urban Economic Studies and Professor of Finance. He was previously the Grosvenor Professor of Real Estate at Cambridge University (UK) and the Oliver T. Carr, Jr. Professor of Real Estate at George Washington University


John is active with industry groups and has worked with the National Association of Realtors, SIOR, NAIOP, ULI, RICS, EPRA and the state association of Realtors (Louisiana, Virginia, Ohio, and Connecticut). He has also worked with many government groups and agencies including, the State of Ohio, State of Louisiana, City of Washington DC, HM-Treasury (UK), Chamber of Commerce of Dubai, City of Columbus Ohio, City of Baton Rouge, City of Shenzhen (China), Taiwan, and South Korea.


John has been active in industry presentations and has spoken to groups such as NAR (multiple times), ULI (NYC, London, and Paris), NAIOP (multiple), EPR-Germany and London, Taiwan, Bangkok, and German conferences on REITs, Macquarie Bank, DTZ, Credit-Suisse and multiple conferences in USA, Europe and Asia.


John has been active in research and has publications in all of the core real estate journals and his work has been cited in the core real estate journals and core business journals including Journal of Finance, Academy of Management Journal, Review of Financial Studies, Administrative Science Quarterly, Journal of Financial Economics, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, American Economic Review, Southern Economic Journal, Financial Review, Journal of Banking and Finance, Financial Analysist Journal, and others.


John is co-editor of the Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics and serves on the editorial board and several real estate journals. He is currently a visiting Scholar at School of Public Policy, Renmin University, Beijing China and European Business School, Wiesbaden Germany.


Key Note

John L. Glascock, Ph.D.
University of Connecticut


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