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Southwestern Finance Association brings together finance faculty, doctoral students and professionals throughout the world. We meet each spring to present and critique research papers and to hear from distinguished speakers and panelists.

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The Southwestern Finance Association was founded to provide a professional and collaborative environment for professors and doctoral candidates of finance to enhance research, facilitate networking, and develop professional skills. In pursuit of this mission, the SWFA helped found the Federation of Business Disciplines (originally the Southwest Federation of Academic Disciplines) in 1973 and has since held its annual meeting with FBD. While this relationship has helped SWFA members develop interdisciplinary connections, the delegation of conference planning has hampered the association’s ability to fulfill its primary mission to its members. The SWFA Officers and Board of Directors have therefore unanimously voted to separate from FBD effective March 11, 2023. Our final annual meeting jointly held with FBD will be in Houston, TX, March 8-11, 2023 and future conferences will be held independently.

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